Thinking of becoming a camp member? Got questions? Here are some of the more frequently asked questions we've gotten:
(Q) I'm not in the States long and really want to explore after the Burn, so can I leave Sunday/Monday?
(Q) I have a long flight/drive home, so can I leave Sunday/Monday?
(Q) My kids/business/partner/job/dog need me, so can I leave Sunday/Monday?
(A) The general answer is, Afraid not. We all have to manage travel and daily life. By joining the Lovin' Oven you are committing to working alongside your LO family until breakdown is complete. Plan to leave Black Rock city on Tuesday morning. However, in light of our experiences of the past few years, we are endeavoring to accommodate some campers that just can’t stay. Priority will be given to those that help with Build; once we have a full picture of the desired entry and departure dates of all campers, Core will craft a policy that does the most good.
(Q) How do you make sure workload is evenly distributed across campmates?
(A) We work on a roster. Well before we head out to Black Rock City, you will have the chance to sign up for your one (only 1!) full day camp shift (described in detail elsewhere). Every single campmate, irrespective of their other contributions throughout history, the year or elsewhere on playa, has a full day camp shift.
And every campmate - except the build crew - also signs up for one (only 1!) breakfast shift, which literally creates, serves and cleans up after one of the breakfasts during the week. Core members aren’t assigned a shift but you’ll see us floating and doing all week, helping and coaching you at every turn.
(Q) I want to swap shifts and work with my new BFF, can I?
(A) Sure, if you can find someone happy to swap with you and both teams are aware, why not?
(Q) I lost/found my mind in Deep Playa and need to lie down and watch the unicorns running over my ceiling for a few hours. Can I rock up to my shift late?
(A) Nope. Rosters will be finalized long in advance, so plan your week accordingly. Rest assured, Shift Days are loads of fun - you don't have to pretend you are rocking up to the office on a typical Monday morning. Do the right thing by your team and camp mates and please honor your commitments.
(Q) Can my friends come and visit me in camp?
(A) Oh my, yes! Our communal 'private' area has the same gorgeous decor as the front space and lots of room for our friends to come and hang out. We LOVE visitors. Loads of our camp mates started out as visitors!
(Q) I've heard some people get to Burning Man early and help with set up. Can I do that?
(A) Thanks for asking! Set up is indeed an amazing, but gruelling experience. The build crew is handpicked for specific experience, skills and stamina. If you have some serious construction skills and are really keen, please shout out and one of us will have a chat with you.
(Q) Do I really need a bike?
(A) Yes, you really do! And we already have a lot of them in our storage container, especially for campers from overseas. If you live in driving distance from the playa and want to BYO bike that’s also welcomed!